Run 100: Home straight
Sat 10 Oct 2020
Today’s run takes me into the last week of this challenge. The end is in sight!
I have another 21.18km to go, which is about a half marathon’s worth over the course of a week. Seems like a long way when put like that, but spread over four runs it’s definitely achievable.
My attention is starting to turn towards after this challenge is complete. Will I keep up this amount of weekly mileage (or kilometreage) once I don’t have a goal to meet? Well, no. I’ve really enjoyed doing this, both to test myself and also for the pure enjoyment of the exercise, but this rate of distance covered isn’t sustainable over the long term. If nothing else it will be nice to give my body a break for at least a couple of days.
I would certainly like to set myself another goal once the dust has settled on this month’s running. Perhaps it will be signing up for another half marathon – I’d love to do Cambridge again next March (COVID-permitting, of course). Or maybe I’ll have another go at improving my 5k PB (21:57), having failed to make any progress there earlier this year – I wonder how low I can get it?
Anyway, I’m getting ahead of myself. I still have this target to hit before I can set myself another one!
- Today
- Cumulative
- 8.12 km in 43:21
- 78.82 km out of 100 km