Run 100: Episode XV: A New Route

A map from Fitbit of my run I’ve found a new running route!


  • Almost exactly 1 kilometre in length, so I could run a 5K without tracking it via Fitbit if I wanted to.
  • Round a housing estate, so basically no traffic to worry about.
  • Only 3m elevation gain per lap, so even flatter than my previous “fast” route.
  • Wide paths with no sharp turns, so no real need to slow down at any point on the route.

How has it take me this long to discover this route?!

It resulted in today’s run being even faster than Monday’s. As I near the end of this challenge (less than 11km to go now!) I still need to remember to keep it steady, but as I consider trying to improve my 5K PB, I think I know where I’m going to attempt it!

5.1 km in 24:15
89.19 km out of 100 km
